Explanation of the Emblem of the Royal Rangers

Russian Main page

Explanation of the Emblem of the Royal Rangers

page 1 * 1997 - 1999


February 1997 Russia represented at the Euro Commanders Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

First camps in 1997

Euro Commanders Conference, Brashov 1998

April 1997 Started 2 outposts in Kazan and Ufa .
May 1997 Started 2 outposts in Moscow.
July 1997 First campouts in new outposts
February 1998 Russia represented at the Euro Commanders Conference in Brasov, Romania
8-11 May 1998 First Russian NTC in Tver. 13 participants from 3 outposts
June-July 1998 Summer camps 1998
February 1999 Russia represented at the Euro Commanders Conference in Amsterdam, Holland.
11-12 April 1999 First National Commanders Conference, Moscow
30 July - 4 August 1999 Eurocamp 99 "Breaking Barriers". 50 kids in Russian delegation went to Germany.
11-24 October 1999 Taught LTC and started 2 outposts in Abakan and Ermakovsky (South Siberia).
18-25 November 1999 Taught LTC and started 1 outpost in Kaluga.

page 1 * 1997 - 1999


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