Eurocamp - 4
Planned for: August 2003

All Royal Rangers of Europe every 4 years gather in one place together to have fun, fellowship, and enjoy presence of God together. There were 3 events like this in past in Europe (See history on the right). And the 4th time is coming.

Eurocamp-4 will take place in Finland in Summer 2003. The theme of this camp is УTake The StepФ. This camp is for trailblazers and rangers (and, of course, commanders). But to go to this camp is a priviledge. We want that this camp would be an encouragement for all boys and girls that set the goal to go forward along the path of adventures with Jesus as our Master Ranger.

Requirements for participants

1. In September 2002 you have to go to the 6th grade of school (and older).
2. If you are a trailblazer, you should have at least 1 award of Trailblazer no later than 1 February 2003
3. If you are a ranger, you should have 1st Ranger award to the same date.

Now you can shout УHallelujah!!!Ф, and start to prepare to this important event for RR of all Europe. And, as for any camp, you need money. It would be the easiest way to say УI don't have that kind of money!Ф, and forget about the Eurocamp. But if you are a real Royal Ranger, you are not afraid of difficulties, and you say ФI can do all things through Christ Jesus!!Ф You still have whole year ahead to pray God (#1!) and do something in order to find money for this camp. There are many opportunities to earn money: wash cars, sell crafts, look for sponsors, save every week at least something (after a year it will multiply times 50!!!)...

The camp language will be English. So it is a good idea to learn English also.

Place of the Eurocamp-2003

Look at the page of Eurocamp-1999
Eurocamp patches
Eurocamp patches

A little of history

First time this event took place in 1991. To this moment RR worked in Europe for already 10 years. First Eurocamp-1991 was in Switzerland, and it gathered RR from 9 countries of Europe. Since that time Eurocamp is held every 4 years. In 1995 - 2nd Eurocamp in Denmark, where took part 2500 children from 15 countries of Europe. In 1999 - 3rd Eurocamp in Germany. In this last Eurocamp there were 5000 boys, girls and leaders from 20 countries of Europe! Russia for the first time took part in this Eurocamp . We brought there 50 boys and girls from Russia and Latvia. We had wonderful time with our brothers and sisters RR from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Portugal...

In the future we will give more information about Eurocamp-4

Hosted by uCoz