Regional Royal Rangers Camp 2001 "The Creator"  
Region: Moscow

2-7 July 2001

From July 2-7th, not far from the small city of Tarusa on the shore of the river Oka was held the first Moscow Regional Camp, “The Creator”. There were more than 100 commanders and Royal Rangers in attendance. There were 3 outposts from Moscow, one from Kaluga, one from Vladimir and guests from a church in Tarusa.

We received testimonies from a few of the campers which told how much they liked the camp and they wanted it to go on even longer! This was the first time for many of these boys & girls to attend such a camp and they made many new friends from different cities.

We want to thank the church in Tarusa for helping us to find such a wonderful site for this summer camp. We hope that Royal Rangers can use this beautiful place again in the future.

Com. Rawie Haas

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