RR Outposts * * * * * St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is located at the North of European part of Russia. The city was named after it's founder, Czar Peter I in 1703. For a long time the city was a capital of Russia (since1713). Later in XX century name was changed to Petrograd (1914), then to Leningrad. After the break-up of the USSR it's old name was returned, and it became St.Petersburg again.

Church "The Pearl of Christ"
Church "Kovcheg" (the Ark)

St.Petersburg page
Camping pictures 1999
Camping pictures 2000
Winter pictures

Outpost Pictures

1998 Frosty Hike

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Training Seminar in 2000


First devotion

New outpost have just started


How to contact us:

The church Sr.Commander e-mail Mailing address
Church "The Pearl of Christ" Valery Spiridonov petroyal@mail.ru Russia, 189635, Leningradskaya obl.,
pos.Ust-Izhora, pr. 9 Janvarja, 91
Church "The Ark" Sergey Orlov   Russia, St. Petersburg,
pos. Metallostroy, ul. Sadovaya, 11-2

Alexander Sholohov, commander
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